Automatically inform Google of new WordPress posts

I’ve already heard of the Google Sitemaps project a few weeks ago. With Google Sitemaps, you can give Google a sitemap of your website, so that the crawler knows which pages to crawl. It was not very important for me, because all my pages where indexed.

Then I came across this:
Google Sitemap Generator for WordPress

And suddenly it hit me: You can let Google immediately know, when there are new pages to crawl. With this little plugin, Google gets automatically informed when you write something new. What could be better?

I installed it and it works perfectly. Now I’ll have so see how fast Google crawls new content.

Published by

Julian Bez

Julian Bez

Julian Bez is a software engineer and former startup founder from Berlin, Germany.

  • Alex

    It will be really inteertsing to hear about the results – how long on average does it really take for Google to start crawling?

  • Julian

    The number of indexed pages of the Jobazaar blog, for example, is still the same. It has to do with the PageRank, I think.
    I’ve posted an entry at german fan-site and I want to see how long it takes for Google to have that article indexed.

  • Julian

    Update: It took 3 days to have the new article showing up in Google… would it have taken longer without sitemap?

  • ArturO

    New pages of my homepage are being index within 2 to 3 days. I dont see a huge improve. The last recent page was found through google after 2 days.

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  • Michel

    how to inform to google new uptade on post, sitemap.xml work for this? Sorry my english!