Bundle your del.icio.us tags

There’s a new feature over at del.icio.us. You can bundle your tags now. That makes it much easier for you to sort your bookmarks.


this lets you assign tags to “bundles” which will cause the tag listing on the right to be organized by the specified bundles.

Published by

Julian Bez

Julian Bez

Julian Bez is a software engineer and former startup founder from Berlin, Germany.

  • http://www.christopher-chan.com/blog/index.php Chris

    Hi Julian – great site ! I’ve been using your loader script to upload my FF bookmarks to del.icio.us. I can’t find this “bundle” functionality that you are referring. I’m new to del.icio.us, can you point me in the right direction ?

    thanks !


  • http://www.christopher-chan.com/blog/index.php Chris

    Don’t worry – found it under “Settings” ! :)