Automatically inform Google of new WordPress posts

I’ve already heard of the Google Sitemaps project a few weeks ago. With Google Sitemaps, you can give Google a sitemap of your website, so that the crawler knows which pages to crawl. It was not very important for me, because all my pages where indexed.

Then I came across this:
Google Sitemap Generator for WordPress

And suddenly it hit me: You can let Google immediately know, when there are new pages to crawl. With this little plugin, Google gets automatically informed when you write something new. What could be better?

I installed it and it works perfectly. Now I’ll have so see how fast Google crawls new content.

Jobazaar successfully launched

A new product of my company launched successfully. It’s Jobazaar, the first online bazaar using tags and feeds. Jobazaar is the new way to get the job done!

What is it good for? Imagine you want to change something in your house, paint some walls for example. Where do you find people who can do this? Well, you can spend hours of googling around or sticking your head into the yellow pages. Now you go to Jobazaar! Just create your job within seconds and wait for people to apply for it. Nothing to do for you! Just sit and wait.

You can assign tags to your jobs, which makes them easier to find. People who are looking for jobs can subscribe to RSS feeds to keep track of new jobs. There is an RSS feed for every tag and location. You can also keep track on applicants via RSS.

Get more information about Jobazaar on the about page or visit the Jobazaar Blog.