Links now included in the feed

The links are now included in the feed. Update: Links are not in the feed. Extra service for you. You can also write comments on them, because they are normal blog articles which just don’t appear directly on the blog. When you visit the site, you can find ’em on the right side (that’s where the “old” links where before).

Another new thing: Feeds will now show the full text, not only a summary. But don’t be too lazy to visit the site when you have something to say. I mean, well my articles are not the best, but please write a comment if you got an idea or somewhat. Continue reading Links now included in the feed

The Ctrl+Shift+D shortcut

It’s the shortcut, which shows you what’s behind a website. Nested tables, nasty markup? Or clean semantic code, valid and web standards proof? Just press Ctrl+Shift+D and watch out.

It would be great if we could press Ctrl+Shift+D in real life. To see if people are really the ones they pretend to be. Don’t know if the person you speak to is trustful? Press Ctrl+Shift+D and you have all the answers.

Well, on the other hand the shortcut has the effect that I despite websites which turn out to rely on tables… and I kind of feel like nothing is good enough for me… That’s not really a good thing, because when I think about it, a website can also be a good website if it doesn’t validate and/or relies on tables. I think many web designers tend to “ignore” such websites. And it’s the work of the vault and stylegala that we focus on “the good web” only. Continue reading The Ctrl+Shift+D shortcut