How to Fold a Shirt

This is the most amusing site I ever found on the web.

Stop wasting time folding shirts the normal way! How to Fold a Shirt shows you the latest techniques and tricks to fold t-shirts, sweaters, dress shirts and more; the RIGHT way!

I had to watch the video several times, and the next thing I’ve done is trying to fold my shirts like that! Which site has ever made you to get up and clean up your room by folding the shirts lying around?

www or not?

I post this article as a kind of follow-up to my previous article “Why link to index.php?” which caused some discussion. In “Why link to index.php?” I tried to make clear that there is no need to set your home link to something like index.php. I also said that it is not good to let people decide whether they use your domain with www or without. To have some consistency and control over what URLs to use I suggested to link to the full URL.

Now I realized that linking to the full URL is not very efficient. Although I linked to the full URL, my site was in Google with and without www. That means it is 2 times in there. For instance, a result with www is #3 and another without www #14. Continue reading www or not?

MSN Search Beta: standards compliant

The new MSN Search Beta is designed by using web standards. Microsoft uses web standards! CSS and XHTML!

MSN Search Beta

Let’s have a look on the page source:

  • XHTML Strict
  • lang and xml:lang attributes
  • style sheet imported via @import
  • divs, lists and so on
  • use of CSS hacks! (to make it possible to be viewed by their own browser)

I really like the puristic design. There’re fewer elements than on the Google home page. Maybe they want to Continue reading MSN Search Beta: standards compliant